God I hate audits. Love pizza. Hate burnt pizza. You get the picture, awful day!
Hope were all well then and I hope you like the new site layout, not that its changed a whole lot, but change is good sometimes right?
So this friday see's the start of a bumper few months ahead for gaming. It kicks off with Enslaved: Odyssey to the West from Ninja Theory. Rather beautiful looking game, check out the demo! The combat might be a tad basic but I hear the narrative, story and characters make up for it to deliver one of this years best experiences. Castlevania releases friday also, looks good but I'll be picking up the former.
Following on from that, we hit October 15th. Medal of Honour gets a reboot and is looking to tackle Call of Duty. Looks nice but nothing we haven't seen before. It will sell well, but this wont make a dent in Black Ops. Still, might be worth a rent, the original Medal of Honour games were great. Medal hunting was such a hook.
22nd October. Probably my most anticipated game for the year, Fallout: New Vegas. Fallout 3 was a contender for game of the decade for me and many others and I'm sure the folks at Obsidian won't let us down. The engine is outdated but it still looks sublime. No doubt I'll lose many many hours in this. Have the collectors edition on preorder, looks well worth the extra few quid.
A week after that, Fable III is out and looking to hurt our pockets further. I think the brother is getting this for me for christmas but no worries, Fallout will keep me company. Loved the last one, this should be brilliant too. Something magical about Lionheads games that others fail to capture. Have you SEEN the voice cast lineup? Ben Kingsley, Simon Pegg, John Cleese, Michael Fassbender, Stephen Fry, Bernard Hill, Nicholas Hoult... it goes on. Incredible! Hopefully this will pave the way for studios to look at bringing proper actors on board, after all, this IS a storytelling medium. The future is bright.
Gran Turismo, 5th November. Its not for me but this will sell insanely well. Car nut paradise. A few days later its Call of Duty: Black Ops. This will no doubt claim more marriages, lifes, jobs, school work.. Lastly we have Assassins Creed: Brotherhood on November 19th. Really looking forward to that one, loved the last. That rounds it out. There has been a few delays, such as Little Big Planet 2, but at the end of it all, the next few months, its good to be a gamer!
Project! Craggy Island! Woohoo! Plodding away I am, banging in conversations, stages, animations, you name it. Still a million things to do, but it sure is getting there. I've been toying with the idea of bringing in 2-3 beta testers. I was going to actually do the bulk of testing myself but due to time restraints, it's probably the smartest option.
If anyone would like to get involved in some testing, please let me know. Drop a message here or else email me: pconway83@yahoo.co.uk. Testing wont begin for a few weeks but it would be nice to have it all lined up. Also, any voice actors looking for work, you can drop me a message too - I will make a formal post about this later when I've green lighted the dialogue but I'll stick the feelers out there now.
Peace, drop by again soon!
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