All characters and head morphs are complete! There is a cast of 30+ characters and each one looks as unique as I could have made them. I have added some of them into the level and am now in the slow procedure of adding in their dialog tree's. Since I have no idea how to script, I might look for some help soon, or perhaps I'll dab into it a bit with the help of Sunjammer's excellent demo's. Its great to see the level becoming populated after all these months, things are really starting to shape up now! Again, sorry for the lack of updates, RL still has a strangle hold on me for the time being.
In other news, go see Inception! Easily one of the best movies in recent memory. Extremely ambitious stuff from Nolan, you can see why this took him nearly 10 years to write. Also, Starcraft 2 is released tuesday. Not sure where I can fit this into my busy schedule, but damn is it looking good. I'm mainly after it for the campaign believe it or not, I'm not really into the competitive multiplayer thing..
Anyway, hope you had a nice weekend and check back soon for more updates!
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