Sunday, August 22, 2010


The wee break between fixing up a new pc and re-installing everything has given me a fresh head. I spent the evening working on a cutscene and I'm delighted to say its finished. It's nothing major, but I think it will add a nice touch to the experience. I'll most likely do a few more before release.

Where AM I asks you. Well, I have made a huge area, with a blank terrain. I've drawn lines using the texture tool and I am using this as a virtual plot map if you like. I have literally dropped in NPC models onto the terrain and am using the drawn lines between them as visual plot connectors. I'm "signing off" on each character using 3 check boxes. 1 for his/her dialogue, 1 for the stage and 1 for a cutscene if they are involved in one. Along the lines, I plan to add the objects/plot items that will be used or needed in that particular quest, add a script to them (will need help here.. winkwink Timelord ;)) and its then very simple to load up in Dragon Age and test it all out, as its all in one place. Once I can sign off on all these things, I can add them into the actual game.

I think this method is clear, concise and easy to test and implement. This should give me some much needed steam as I get this thing closer to a playable version.

Thanks for your patience guys, I will in fact drum up some sort of a promotional video or renders as soon as I can.

Cheers and goodnight!

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